Munich AirportAcademy expands course offering

Global training opportunities

Munich AirportAcademy, Munich Airport's internationally recognized training division, has launched five new training programs this year, offering participants from around the world a unique insight into airport operations and management best practices. 

  • Operational Readiness and Airport Transfer (ORAT)
  • Aviation Foundation
  • Airport Business Model
  • Airport Business Game
  • Cargo Warehouse Handling Essentials

Since any airport is only as good as its staff, it is critical to have and grow the right talent and skills in your workforce. Training is essential to maximize the potential of your employees and create a culture of the highest safety, security and service delivery standards.

Book your training with Munich AirportAcademy and ensure that your people develop exactly the skills you need to build organizational resilience.

Meeting situation with flipchart
AirportAcademy is a certified training provider, and thus meets the requirements of the German Accreditation and Approval Ordinance for Employment Promotion (AZAV) © Flughafen München GmbH
Munich Airport in Riem (1992)
In only 16 hours Munich Airport moved from Riem to Erdinger Moos. This was the largest move of this size in the European aviation industry to date. © Flughafen München GmbH

Operational Readiness and Airport Transfer (ORAT)

Moving or opening an airport comes with many challenges and requires a holistic approach. Munich Airport was one of the first airports in the world to develop and apply the ORAT framework to efficiently tackle delays, operational constraints, cost overruns and contractual risks on major projects of all types – including airports, airlines, cargo, catering, maintenance, and more. Building on this long-standing ORAT experience, the 5-day course gives an in-depth and comprehensive understanding of what it takes to successfully manage such a complex project – skills and knowledge, ready to adopt to your needs.

“ORAT was born in 1992, when Munich Airport moved to its current location in an unprecedented overnight operation. Since then, Munich Airport’s experts have successfully delivered more than 50 ORAT projects worldwide. With this course we want to share our know-how and experience with our fellow peers and support them in building their own ORAT skills”, said Alexander Hömer, Head of Munich AirportAcademy. 

The ORAT course provides participants with the necessary methodologies and tools for a structured approach to ensure safe and efficient operations from day one. It imparts knowledge of the typical phases and interdependencies of an ORAT program, covers essential aspects of project and stakeholder management, and gives insights into the planning and execution of core ORAT elements such as the preparation of operational documents, familiarization and training, trial operations as well as airport transfer, opening and post-opening support.

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Aviation Foundation

The course 'Aviation Foundation' consolidates knowledge of key operational aspects, regulations, infrastructure and airport business principles, giving participants a comprehensive overview of the aviation system. In addition, it includes first-hand examples and best practices directly from Munich Airport. 

Participants will gain an in-depth knowledge of the aviation and airport industry, including the regulatory framework, dynamic developments and impacts, challenges of aviation stakeholders and their interrelationships, potential strengths and limitations, as well as general business principles of airports. 

Are you an industry newcomer or airport employee looking for a structured overview of the complex airport system? Then this is your chance to get a big picture of the industry!

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Aerial view of Munich Airport with an LH aircraft taking off
Successful airport operations require a deep understanding of key processes, structures, strategic planning and best-in-class services. @ Flughafen München GmbH
Business men with a laptop airside at Munich Airport
Integrate relevant business strategies and models into your organization to achieve desired performance goals. © Flughafen München GmbH

Airport Business Model

The course 'Airport Business Model' focuses on key aspects of the industry – business, commercial and financial management.

By exploring sustainable business models and reviewing them against current post-pandemic industry challenges, the program is designed to help participants make their airport crisis-proof while optimizing the overall performance and profitability. The training methodology gradually introduces attendees to more complex topics so they can fully understand the big picture, the various factors and the interdependencies within the airport ecosystem.

The course covers a range of topics from airport economics to performance indicators, strategic business planning, airline relationships, and the environmental impact of the industry. Using practical examples, it explains the structure of airport revenues and costs, linking these with airport development and operational context. A dedicated business case exercise will put the attained knowledge in practice.

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Airport Business Game

This ‘learning by doing’ concept engages participants into solving real-life scenarios and decision-making processes. The aim of this individually designed haptic team game is to practice how to optimize daily operation and business workflows, while maintaining service efficiency and quality. It will allow participants to test and verify various approaches and their consequences by performing a number of tasks, assignments, and projects in a realistic airport setting.

The game themes can be customized to individual needs, but generally include content on the following topics: aviation processes and know-how, change management, resource efficiency and planning, digitalization, and customer relations. In addition to practical benefits, it creates unparalleled team building opportunities. 

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Tower of Munich Airport in Bavaria, Germany
Munich Airport, Bavaria's gateway to the world, is the homebase if the AirportAcademy. © Flughafen München GmbH
Loading a cargo aircraft
Know the most important functions within the cargo business to understand what and who is required for a smooth cargo process. @ Flughafen München GmbH

Cargo Warehouse Handling Essentials

The 'Cargo Warehouse Handling Essentials' course provides participants with theoretical knowledge of authority stakeholders involved in the cargo process, as well as all necessary existing IATA regulations that are mandatory for the handling of inbound and outbound cargo.

Participants will learn all the essential aspects and functions within the freight business to ensure smooth operations. This includes a deep dive into the technical equipment required, basic principles of handling documents, the secure supply chain and special handling. After gaining an understanding of what a well-structured warehouse and other necessary facilities such as cooling areas, dangerous goods areas, animal rooms etc. should look like, the training is concluded with a tour of the airport's subsidiary warehouse and the apron to observe an aircraft loading.

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About Munich AirportAcademy

Established in 1992, Munich AirportAcademy is the heart and soul of personnel training, development and advancement for the entire airport community and (external) partners. Building on continuous growth and multifaceted organizational development, the Academy has evolved into an internationally recognized training center and become the full-service training provider for Europe's first 5-star airport.

The outstanding first-hand expertise in all aspects of airport operations, security, airport management and non-aviation activities directly contributes to the high level of relevance and innovation of all training solutions offered. This includes standardized, accredited programs as well as special off-the-shelve trainings tailored to the needs of internal, regional, or international customers.

The Academy actively collaborates with international partners and key industry players. It is one of ACI's recognized Accredited Training Institutes and strategic partners serving the aviation industry through the development of training curricula, sharing of operational knowledge and expertise, and joint delivery of training programs.

In appreciation of its learning quality, the Academy has been awarded the prestigious TÜV Süd Certification for excellent training quality standards, according to DIN ISO 29990:2010.
