Aviation security training for airport ID card (WBT)

This (web based) training course is aimed at persons, other than passengers who require authorization for unaccompanied access to security restricted areas and are not covered by numbers 11.2.3. to 11.2.5. or 11.5. of EU Regulation 2015/1998.


  • Strengthening and raising security awareness
  • Web based Training (WBT) according to Annex of the DVO(EU)2015/1998


Topics and content arise from the Aviation Security Training Ordinance in conjunction with the BMI's training system.

The training includes the following topics:

  • knowledge of previous acts of unlawful interference with civil aviation, terrorist acts and current threats
  • awareness of the relevant legal requirements and knowledge of elements contributing to the establishment of a robust and resilient security culture in the workplace and in the aviation domain, including, inter alia, insider threat and radicalisation
  • knowledge of the objectives and organisation of aviation security, including the obligations and responsibilities of persons implementing security controls
  • understanding of the configuration of the screening checkpoint and the screening process
  • awareness of access control and relevant screening procedures
  • knowledge of airport identification cards used at the airport
  • knowledge of reporting procedures
  • ability to respond appropriately to security related incidents

Detailed information on the topics and content is available upon request.

Target group

Persons, who needs regular access to security areas at airports

Important notice

Mandatory refresher training within five years

This course is also available in German. Go to the German course description


Training certificate according to section 8 of the German Aviation Security Training Ordinance (LuftSiSchulV)

At a glance

  • Form of learning: Digital Learning
  • Location: Web based training
  • Language: English


24/7 anytime

Duration: Five lessons (5 teaching units)


105,00 Euro plus VAT


  • Online

  • Street
  • Zip code / City  Web based training


Team E-Learning - AirportAcademy

Flughafen München GmbH

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