Permission to film / photograph

Important reminders for planning purposes

Approval for news reporting and other journalistic activity is granted by the press office of FMG, the airport operating company.

For commercial photo and film shoots, the Servicecenter issues the necessary permits, coordinates shooting requests, provides support for the film teams during preparations and shooting, and prepares the necessary data for billing purposes.

In case of questions or concerns, the indicated contact will be happy to help.

  • To avoid disrupting airport operations, the filming activities must be kept as simple as possible
  • For security and safety reasons, we do not permit the use of camera tracks or cables for cameras and lighting
  • Lighting should be battery-powered with a power rating of less than 200 watts.

Editorial inquiries

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Contact commercial photography and film shoots

Service Center


Here you can download a selection of the latest press photos from recent months. Other images are available on request. Use of these pictures for non-editorial or advertising purposes is possible only with written permission. If you publish a photo, please use "Flughafen München GmbH" as a copyright notice.

Contact for pictures